Website World

Our free website builder makes it easy for any organisation to create a website, with memberships, events, news, etc.
We provide website hosting, domains, email and website building services.
Charitable organisations get a massive discount, receiving our business hosting for only $110+gst per year (Worth $440+gst)
We have been in this industry since the year 2000. Our team operate virtually from several locations across NZ, including Auckland, Taranaki, and Rotorua
For-Purpose organisation special offer
Charitable organisations get a massive discount, receiving our business hosting for only $110+gst per year (Worth $440+gst)
One limitation on receiving the discount is that you must not have any paid staff, so a completely volunteer organisation.
Depending on our teams time, will do our best to help you get started with your website.
How to redeem
Organisations simply need to ask for the charity discount, via email, when the want to go live (or enquire in advance if you like)